Vincent has a new camera, which meant that I got to play with his old one. I belong to the Results Count School (founded by my father...full name: Results Count, Excuses Don't), which would pronounce that the quality of image is what matters, not the machine that captured it in the first place.
But it's, well, embarrassing showing up with your point-and-shoot when people are either paying you money for pictures, or when subjects or hosts are expecting Photography to happen.
So, clearly I have an ego problem. Big voice, small willy.
Carrying around a big willy the other day made me feel important, but it was very...cumbersome. I like the little Canon SD880 that hides in my hand. I whip it out, point, shoot and I'm off. With the big one, well, it's more of a spectacle. And it gets in the way.
Then there is the issue of macro. The little one has it. The big one needs a special lens.
However. There's something about the big one. I like the results. And it's fun. I can't help smiling when I'm pointing it at things.
So here, with no captions or explanations are some of the originally RAW, now processed, images I shot some weeks ago at the BBG, on the memorable 90' day when I planted more rows of sweet potato vine than I care to remember. Maybe one day I'll post a picture of them, but right now the memory is too fresh I am still traumatised.
Herewith, pictures. They will probably not look too different from what I've been doing. But they feel different. To me. I have a long way to go, and I would appreciate another ten hours in each day, but...,blablabla.

ReplyDeleteEllen Zachos said...
I know EXACTLY how you feel and I'm wrestling w/the same dilemma. I make much better images with my big camera (w/macro lens) but it's so heavy! I'm toying with the idea of bringing just the little guy to Greece... will I miss superb photo opportunities?
June 16, 2010 5:29 PM
Bonbon Oiseau said...
these are excellent shots little willy lady. dis you have to adjust for each shot or can you set it for auto? that's how much i know about actual photography.
June 17, 2010 7:15 AM
donna said...
after inadvertently leaving my excellent but bulky camera behind after a re-packing kerfluffle before a trip to europe, i bought a light-weight camera.
as a result i take many more photos than i used to for all the same reasons you like your little canon.
nice work with the larger willy. maybe i will have to name my cute little camera willie or maybe wilhelma. (miss zip's photo here was taken with the excellent camera but by my father.)
June 17, 2010 10:26 AM
Lily Hydrangea said...
I feel the same way about my camera.
& Your pictures with the 'big one' came out very nice!
please do photograph the sweet potato vine someday.
June 17, 2010 10:31 AM
frank@new york city garden said...
Its in the details, the beauty of the big camera: details like revealing more values (shades of...) in the picture, color depth, less noise, and all that gobblygook.
I've been looking at cameras for a year now. My Canon which has served me so well has the E18 error every other day.
But I want want want a small camera with the handy flippable screen (I care not for eye to camera)and a good macro (hello, flowers) that I can pocket because who wants bulk when its not necessary.
But then I also want a big sensor camera like my Minolta SLR from 1988! But thats more for the art photo stuff.
I am taking a close look at the flippable lens new sony with a APS-C sized sensor in a micro 4/3rds format.
June 17, 2010 12:49 PM