Up top, the agastache is beginning to open. I love it. Long-lived, till cold weather, good for cutting, and strongly-scented leaves: anise. The rose is Pat Austin. Looks a little chloritic, and wondering if the pot getting too hot in full sun is a factor.

Down below, the mint is prolific and the creeping Jenny has made a cool, soft mat for the feet of cat and humans.

In the middle, the remaining Mexican heirlooms are very strong and need Bigger Pots. Oh dear. Up to the roof, as in,
actual roof? I've already populated the stoop with begonias and impatiens (suburban blight blush...I
like them) as well as overflow plectranthus. It's beginning to look quite civilized down there, if you turn a blind eye to the trash containers.
But the tomatoes need full-on sun and their pot of last year has been occupied by the Eglantyne rose. Which has lots of buds. So, we need a plan. I've already found wonderful tomato cages: orange and deep pink, at American Hardware on Court Street, if you can brace yourself to go in (the garden section is Round Up central).
Below, the
Plectranthus "Mona Lavender".
Nicotiana langsdorfii. It is not billed as a fragrant tobacco, but it is, at night. Delicious.

And finally, the miracle. It's now a Resurrection Rose. Better name than Abraham Darby, anyway. Out of the base of its diseased and withered self it pushed out
two shoots in late spring, which bloomed. Then the shoots made shoots. Now there are twelve buds. It's unbelievable. If I have a hero, it is this rose.
She is not giving up.

..and neither must we.
oh. this post made me smile, marie. thank you.
ReplyDeleteHope and rebirth. They are what keep us coming back to the garden.
ReplyDeleteLovely macro shots of the plectranthus and nicotiana.