Tuesday, March 24, 2009

South African Government bans Dalai Lama

The South African government refused to grant a visa to the Dalai Lama allowing him to enter South Africa to attend a Nobel laureates' peace conference.

That's just RUDE!

It was not so long ago that members of the South African government themselves would have been denied entry to their own country.

The reason for the refusal: trade agreements with China.

To sign a petition asking President Motlanthe to allow the Dali Lama to enter South Africa, please click here.

You do not have to be South African to sign.

More here.


  1. And you have to hope that later, they let him out. ;-)

  2. :-)

    Desmond Tutu will make them let him out.

  3. Also done. And forwarded it to my right-minded gardening friends

  4. Done. And Viva 66squarefeet, viva!

  5. China "leaned on" Australia, too.I wonder if we could do a little reciprocal leaning?
    Also done.


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