Monday, March 9, 2009

South African Blog Awards 2009


On the campaign trail. All I need is a baby to kiss...

66 Square Feet has been nominated for the annual South African Blog Awards 2009.

Being nominated means that someone or someones voted for 66squarefeet. I'm not a finalist or anything.

nominate this blog

Click on the badge if you are feeling kind. The more nominations the better. There are quite a lot of categories. Nominations are accepted till March 14, and voting is till April 1st, I believe.


  1. Damn right! After becoming acquainted with your blog I'm more intrigued about visiting South Africa than I've ever been in my whole life. :)

  2. Hm, let's see how you do with speeches... And don't forget to throw in a "Yes I can (win)" here and there... ;-)

  3. i voted (and added you to the Best of the Best, because why not!!)

  4. BPG - thank you! I hope you might visit one day...we'll feed you lunch under the tree.'m more of a Maybe I can, type :-)

    Ms Hound - Thank you~! if you like jam I will earmark a jar of the 2009 batches for you. Apricot, raspberry, red currant?

    Jane, thank you! How's New Zealand??


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