Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October crops

Yesterday evening, I picked these leaves and two surprise roses on the roof. I wore a sweater. My feet were cold.

The leaves are very clean, except for the spinach (hiding at two o'clock, behind the pea shoots) which has quilted undersides that seem to hold onto every piece of grain of splashback after rain. No bugs, either, apart from one lurking cucumber beetle, desperately gnawing a small hole in a fava leaf.


  1. Roses to die for. Am so hoping my D A rose will be half that přtty.... er, pretty.

  2. Such a beautiful picture. Textures!!

  3. I bought a stump in a local grocery shop 5 years ago that was lying hopelessly in a bargain basket with a label reading 'Poss Rose. 20p' Of course I bought it - I shall never know its real name but only a few months after I planted the seemingly lifeless root, it was taller than me. It bears soft, ivory white blooms with a slightly warmer blush inside. Divine, and it is still flowering :)


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