Monday, June 14, 2010

The Fig Tree

Fig Tree

Guess how many figs are on the tree, right now?

I counted them yesterday. More may come, as I didn't count the pinpricks.

Closest guess within 5 of yesterday's count (Vince is the witness to it and will ensure that I do not cheat) receives a copy of the gorgeous A Platter of Figs and Other Recipes, by David Tanis, chef at Chez Panisse, with foreword by Alice Waters.

Why the largesse? (No, no sponsor involved.)

To celebrate the third anniversary of 66 Square Feet, passed unnoticed (by me) on May 21st.

Of all the plants on the terrace, the fig tree is the most loved, the most surprising the most rewarding, the most enduring. Sleet, snow, tropical humidity, occasional makes figs. More than you would think (hint)for a little tree now 4 feet wide by 33 inches tall. In fact so many that Vince thought I was making a joke.

For me, this little fig tree embodies New York, and what the city can be. Surprising, tough, resilient, sweet, rich. If you have a fig, and you live with a tiny terrace in Brooklyn.

Please leave guesses in the comments. Winner will be announced on Monday, June 21st.


  1. Not much to say, really. Found your blog through a link to Nabokov—favorite books on my blog profile ( Your blog, especially the photos and spirit-soul of it, is beautiful. Best to you both, -G.

  2. Hmm, my Brown Turkey is 4 and a half feet tall and just starting the second go-round.

    Is it cheating if I count the ones developing on my fig tree and then enter your contest?

  3. I think there are 88 figs on the tree.

  4. (I'm nuts. I just stood out in a thunderstorm to count the figs on my tree).


  5. Oh, I just bought a fig for my terrace this year. I'd guess 24 (though you could never guess the number of lemons starting on my new lemon tree - an explosion).

  6. Hi Gerald - clicking on authors is how I found one of my favourite bloggers...


    Karen - the means you employ are up to you. But you may not bribe my husband with stinky cheese.

    Your guess is noted.

    Porrothecat - soon, you will find out!

    Hi Lindy - hmmm, lemons. Guess noted. Stay tuned!

  7. I have my own, first fig tree this year because all your fig photos were so inspiring. Since this is a commemorative spot, I guess 66!

  8. I'm going with 48. I also have a fig tree and it had figs twice last year, although many from the second treeful never got ripe.

  9. Happy Anniversary - belated - and my guess is 37.

  10. I'm guessing 27 because it was the number assigned to me by my fifth grade teacher. She preferred numbers to names. A truly wild guess.

  11. I'm guessing 43. Happy Blogaversary!

  12. Happy Third Anniversary to 66 Square Feet...I'll go with 52 figs

  13. We're having an animated discussion about the number of figs. I'll go with 90. German girl to weigh in on her own.

    Happy 3rd Anniversary.

    I've been reading you for how long now? Since that article in the NYT about the sidewalk garden.

  14. I'm going with 21.
    And long may you continue. I'm loving the ride!

  15. birds, birds and more birds. My dad has like 6 fig trees in his back yard. hates the birds. try netting. looks horrible and u have to Make sure u don't kill any litter critters by accident

  16. oh, thought u meant the bites. i'm going with 32. have fun

  17. happy 3rd!

    Based on the winter pic of the fig in question you have 2 main trunks with ~10 co-laterals. old fig based on thickness of trunks, estimate ~ 3 new shoots/ collateral + the original leader and you've got ~40. prune out a third(size management for 66 sq feet?) and you have ~ 25 fruitable co-laterals. based on the amount of fruit on our tree, there are an average of 5 figs +/- 1 fig per collateral.... so 125 +/- 25...


    german girl

  18. See why I'm always begging you not to encourage her?

  19. John - I am very happy about your fig. Perhaps you'll send a picture...

    Blissfulsally - with mine, it's usually the first treeful that drops off.

    webb - thank you :-)

    Ellen - funny lady. Sounds like our math teacher, who was potty. I never did learn numbers at school...

    donatella - thank you!

    anyes - merci, a kiss to BC, please. I miss it so.

    flwrjane - Ha, so funny, separate entries. You came here via that article. I forgot. I'm so glad you did.

    chris - at first you had me deeply confused. But there was my bird-pecked fig. So, no, not number of bird-bites, number of figs!

    German girl - well, you will get a prize for the most er...scientific method of (not?) arriving at a number? You are not...German, are you :-) So is it 100 or 125? Good to see you here.

    flwrjane - do you have to give her warm milk to make her sleepy at night?

  20. touche... german-american, perhaps thats where the problem lies...

    I suppose I will go with 125 seeing it is completely unexpected compared to the others....

  21. German girl, I meant it most affectionately.

    125 it is.

    We have a range of 21 to 125.

  22. i think you'll appreciate this article:

  23. I'm guessing 68 for no particular reason but that 68 is my lucky number. And, since this is supposed to be my "wheel of fortune year", I am claiming it to be so! Enjoy your post. Can't wait for the berry tart recipe to be posted.

  24. Thanks for the article, anonymoose - I agree that figs probably do not have to be wrapped any more in NYC. And I wish I had four!

    Teri - thank you - the tarts are over at 66 Square Feet (the Food)

  25. 66. for no particular reason...

  26. Ikaika says he thinks there are 57 figs on your tree. That's what he says ...

  27. I'm inspired to try a fig tree in a pot on my deck (western exposure) in northwest Washington state -- and my guess is 33 figs on yours.

  28. Nothing like a prize to get us all to reply!!
    I say 29 figs on your little tree.
    CONGRATULATIONS on the blog's 3rd birthday. I am completely hooked and sometimes go onto it 3 times a day so I don't miss anything!

  29. I think you have "33 figlets Marie on your little tree" Best wishes from Pam in Joburg.

  30. Just want to say that I enjoy your charming blog (and those of Vince's and the haughty cat's). Thank you for the glimpses into your life and observations. Congrats on the 3rd anniversary!

  31. Happy anniversary to your blog! I discovered it a long time ago through Estorbo's blog, one of the many cat blogs I love. I'm more of a cat person than a gardener, but with terrace photos this beautiful, it's impossible to resist! : )

    I'm guessing there are 81 figs. That's 9 figs for every one of Estorbo's 9 lives. : )

    Kitty P.

  32. Happy belated anniversary!

    Hmmm....I'm guessing it's close to the number of lemons I have on my tree right now....28?

  33. Happy "Blogversary"!!! From one fig lover to guess is 52! Why 52, you ask? Well...I figure that it's going to be a pretty prolific little tree, since you're the one who tends it. 7 is my lucky number & since 7 is way too few, 25 is too close to other guesses but 52 seems a good "in between". I'd very much enjoy winning this book since I've picked it up & put it back down several times. I'll keep my fingers crossed!!

  34. F is the 6th letter of the alphabet. I is the 9th. G is the 7th. S is the 19th. I think. I've been counting on my fingers.

    41 figs then.

  35. wait---dman i missed this! so how many?

  36. also marie, do you feed this baby? mine only has (insert dread music here) 3...sadness. is it in the pruning or what?

  37. Bon jour!

    I've enjoyed your blog for some time now and find it incredibly inspirational! Thank you for sharing your joys and passion with us!

    Since I know very little on figs (except for a 5 minute web-crash-course) - I'd say 77!


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