Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, the last in March

Happy Monday.

We spent Saturday in Inwood Hill Park, eschewing our usual route to the river and walking on paths new to us. We met friendly strangers who showed us an owl perched sleepily on a high, hanging limb (a "widow maker" in forestry parlance), and another who draws geometry on the forest floor. We found flowers and field garlic amongst the dry winter leaves and daylily bulbs and garlic mustard, too. Low branches meeting above our heads were bowers of spicebush (Lindera benzoin) in pale yellow bloom. The park, where broken wrought iron lamp poles seemed post apocalyptic along the crumbling paths, was empty in its wooded depths and filled with baseball players on its lawned fringes.

Sunday, and much gardening. Funny, for such a small place. Horticultural and practical issues were addressed. Then field garlic was cleaned, supper cooked and eaten, with some hilarity and backtalk from the cat.

Now it is Monday, and we must be serious again.

Hopefully, in the pauses, Ill be able to post some pictures from the forest at Manhattan's northern tip. Come back and visit again tomorrow...

(And protect your seedlings, if you have any, locally. A freeze is coming.)


  1. Thanks for the nice photo. That just made my morning!

  2. I trying to come up with a plan for my three different areas of planted pansies. I knew as soon as I planted, we'd get frost.

  3. Karen _ I think the pansies should be be OK - they're pretty hardy...

  4. Hi,

    I just discovered your blog...very nice. A different perspective on NYC. I really appreciate a bit of vicarious slice-of-life-in-Brookyln. I think a springtime getaway to NYC just moved up on my travel list.

    Your little obsession with Juneberries is cool and makes be smile. I've been picking them from a secret wild patch for over 25 years here near Calgary, Alberta. It's not summer without a batch of jelly and a couple of pies, plus lots for eating with cream. I had a Juneberry tart (we call them Saskatoon Berries here on the Canadian Prairies) in the oven for Sunday dinner when I found your blog! I aways freeze some to use in the winter. Saskatoons are grown commercially here (not many fruit options with our short growing season).

    Still winter here, but i planted tomato seeds and a few other veg indoors over the weekend.


  5. Hi, ek woon in Port Elizabeth, RSA en het van jou blog via Stellenbosch vriendin gehoor. Dit is 'n voorreg om in jou omgewing te verkeer. Ek en my dogter Kia is gek oor daardie swart kat...

  6. Hi Jake - I wish your cultivated Saskatoon berries would make it down south to us...or that local farmers would cotton on to the idea!

    Hello Trudie - baie dankie. En my ma is in PE gebore...wil jul miskien 'n swart kat he? :-)

  7. Thanks for the heads-up on the freeze tonight! Can't believe that's coming, and after all the lovely warm weather. Some of my pots are going to have to sleep inside tonight... :)


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