Sunday, March 18, 2012

Container gardening

View from the roof: I am still delaying root pruning the fig, and, given the weird weather, may have left it too late. The green velcro band between two branches is my attempt to separate two branches that have crossed. I don't want to prune it off. Perennial herbs have emerged. Calamintha, chives; the thyme has hung in there all winter. The neighbours across the way are restoring their wrought iron fence.

On the roof the spicy mesclun mix has germinated. 

And a warning sign has been placed for the attention of the marauding cat. Do you think it can read dog?


  1. Seems you are experiencing wacky weather similar to ours in the upper Midwest, Marie. I am sort of operating on the idea we are exactly four weeks ahead of the calendar. I have adjusted my planting schedule accordingly. When the weathermen with all their technology, say the weather trend is continuing out ten days, that's putting us into April. People are seeing bats fly here, red wing blackbirds, and my forsythia is in bloom a whole month earlier than the earliest picture documenting that. I'm planting peas, cool salad greens and other veggies that can withstand a cold snap, but I am not expected cold weather until we pass into each of the next two phases of full moon. I am also fully aware that last year our last frost date was May 26. This year the last frost here was March 12. The earliest last frost in the last ten years was April 1, and typically May 18-26.

  2. Saw this dog graphic for the first time on a tshirt at the Goodwill today! Ha!

  3. Rachelle - we seem to be 2.5 weeks ahead :-)

    Bow Street - really?! My friends Frank and Betsy came up with it, I'd thought...maybe it was vintage-inspired?

  4. Here in North Georgia, we're at least 3 weeks ahead. Today's temperature: 84. It's been warmer than normal all winter. We're going to have a heck of a time with insects. Big bumblebees have been dive-bombing my back porch all day.

  5. I potted a fig tree last summer and am not sure if it made it through the winter. There are no buds in it. But that may be because an animal chewed them off. Ideas?

  6. Surprised to see the sign as I scrolled down, but more surprised to hear that someone saw it on a t-shirt?!

    First of all, I would never say that people don't think the same things at the same time, but that image is all my work.

    Secondly, I've had it online and on the street, so anyone
    could have lifted it. In fact, we've had three stolen from the front.

    So now I wanna see the t-shirt!

  7. Coulda been this:

  8. A riff on the infamous black dog t-shirt of 90s.

    OK, done now hijacking comments

  9. Amber, figs leaf out late and this is still early, despite the warmer weather. Scratch the bark - is there green underneath?

  10. HI-May I ask the type of FIG TREE your both growing? Debra/ Full Moon sunday


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