Thursday, July 21, 2011

Something to look forward to?

Could this be Viburnum prunifolium? Blackhaw? A tree about ten feet high, in Prospect Park.


  1. Maybe I never told you when you were small - dont' put everything in your mouth. What are those things anyway? Loquats ?

  2. Hen - No, man, too cold here for loquats! I think it is viburnum, edible, known as blackhaw. Very nice for jam. But your comment is very funny since I am becoming known as a forager, and I have blamed it all on you and Tokai mushrooms, you know!

  3. Is ALL viburnum edible - that is, safe? I have a lovely one that grows pretty red berries. Should I be planning on jelly?

  4. Good question, webb! Short answer is I don't know if all are, but several most definitely are: Cranberry viburnum (V. trilobum) is edible, and has red berries - good for jelly, so is V. opulus - also has red berries.

    Picture? This is a good idea for story...I shall look into it.

  5. Hi Janet - no, not close, I am afraid - look at the leaves...


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