Saturday, July 2, 2011

Edible Milkweed Flowers

Asclepias syriaca in Red Hook.  Four foot stems with sweet flowers, heavy with bees, dripping latex when picked...

Lilac milkweed flower syrup, made after blanching the flowers to remove the white sap, and infusing sugar syrup. And prosecco, of course. Called it a Milkweed Royale. Smells like fields of honey bees.


  1. I just noticed these all over and wondered what to do with them. Off to google recipes. Maybe you could share yours??

  2. Around here, they always seem to carry a massive aphid infestation. I *suppose* blanching might...nah!

  3. I had no idea these were edible once they opened - I thought only when they were green and tight (haven't tried either)!

    Marie, I'm currently getting the word out about a Community Herbalism program in Western MA that your readers might be interested in - I'm personally doing the first part of the internship and there are a couple of people who drive the 3.5 hours from Brooklyn once a week to join us! This next course is one weekend a month,which I imagine would be even more appealing to someone coming from the city. Shoot me an email if you're interested in hearing more about it ; ) thanks and happy 4th!

  4. i didnt know the flowers could be of use. interesting again. love your blog which Teri told me about. oh, i hear the wild turkey clucking out my window.

  5. Once had them battered and deep fried. I think the day lily buds were better.


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