Thursday, January 21, 2010

Table Mountain's moods

The classic view of Table Mountain is from the north, across Table Bay, looking south, so that the flat table part is front and centre.

Pictured here, from my mom's garden is the cooler, eastern flank of the mountain, dominated by Fern Buttress, a sheer, cliffy face of rock and bracken and moss.

As with any mountain, every day and almost every hour brings a new dimension and colour to the rocks, while unique clouds form above and beneath this peninsula-dominating mass of sandstone.

It's too easy to sit in the garden and stare, and forget to move. Especially with a nice, cool drink.

But there is countryside to conquer...



Well, maybe later.

We did take out the map today. Then we had another sip of cold beer.


  1. Oh, wow, Marie. Your pictures every day are so beautiful. I feel like I am on vacation in South Africa myself. And I feel like your mom and dad are good friends. Can't wait for the next installment, Marie.

  2. Gorgeous photos, Marie, and you are really destroying my mental image of South Africa - in a GOOD way! Thanks.

  3. I looked at that wide expanse of lushness, grassy paths disappearing where? And for the first time in 7 years I missed my old garden.

    And, please tell, what is the huge bush with red/yellow flowers? Could be R. mutabilis?

  4. I love the view from your parent's place. How lucky to be in such a beautiful spot. Love the agapanthus there on the lawn...bright blue spikes shooting up toward the mountain. Good stuff. And those pinkish clouds...WOW!

  5. Hi Marie,

    Regina here, for

    I would like to personally invite you to list your blog on our Expat Women Blog Directory ( so that other women can read about and learn from your expat experiences.

    Many thanks in advance for your contribution and keep up your great blog!


  6. My husband has been to South Africa and he thinks Table Mountain is the most beautiful mountain he knows.

  7. Mountain Thyme - I look forward to the installments, too. I can't keep up with my pictures.

    Webb - I will post some of the Other Side, it would be disingenuous pretending it didn't exist. Certainly I feel a post about security fences coming on.

    Dinahmow - spot on. R. mutabilis, threatening to take over the garden. I took a lot of flower pictures this morning in the garden and must process and label.

    Hi Regina - I'll check out the site - thank you.

    ChrisJ - you are a well-traveled bunch. Table Mountain is a very special place.

  8. I still think you should organize a garden trip to S.A...

  9. Umlindi Wemingizimu, the Watcher of the South in Xhosa legend, today known as Table mountain.

  10. Now I see where the agapanthus at the airport came from :)

  11. Oh, my Sunday has been lifted. Thank you.


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