Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Porter Estate Produce Market

The Indian Curry Lady...is how her little leaflet describes her:

This is Naz and those are her samoosas. They are The Best.

She sells them every Saturday from 8am till 1pm at the Porter Estate Produce Market. They are R5 (about 70c US) for 4 in a packet, and she makes curried beef, potato, and spinach with feta. They are extremely fresh and crisp and I can barely stop myself from wolfing them down on the spot. They also freeze very well.

I asked Naz for permission to take her picture for 'a blog that sometimes has posts about food,' and she looked bemused but was willing. She does not have time to have an email address. She is too busy making her dhals, rutis, samoosas and Indian meals. You can order meals and have them delivered to your home or pick them up in Glencairn.

If you are Capetonian and want to be fed, I would visit her and taste what she has - it is all quite delicious. Perhaps she'll be persuaded that email is in fact easier than phone. I don't think I'm gutsy enough to post her number on the web...but contact me if you'd like it.

By 10 am the market is jammed, so be warned.

There is a R5 entrance fee and if you come in via the Manor House, there are some bumpy roads, so leave the Porsche at home. Actually, I think they only shop at the Neighbourhood Goods Market in Salt River (an excellent market, actually, if you sharpen your elbows well and don't mind being anchovied by the crowds, or being crushed in the street by a Porsche 4 x 4).

You can also have a substantial breakfast at a long wooden table, with moer koffie. There is also an espresso stall. Next time I'll try it. Moer se moer.


  1. Food made by someone's hands is always so tempting. This looks absolutely amazing.

  2. oooooohhhh...i want to go there. i am a big fan of eating/cooking indian food.

  3. That looks SO freaking good. Why can't I eat like that everyday?

  4. Yum. How are you so skinny? Oh right, the hiking. looks sensational.

  5. Can there me a more fun thinkg to order than moerkoffie? ;-)

    The market sounds wonderful and conveniently close to ma-in-law's place!


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