Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving thanks

Thanksgiving menu, Thursday evening, with Dan, Nancy and Ariana, at Savoy, run by the the original locavore chef. Before the bandwagon. Honey from New York City rooftop bees.

Hm Hm Hm

I am torn between the bisque, the pâté and the salad, though...Fortunately they leave you no choice with the scallops. And then? I never eat turkey, so this is the day to eat it, ain't it? But the venison is calling me. Vince can have my dessert.

We'll see.

'Tis an interesting season, full of surprises.


  1. Surprises indeed. Bring them on. They usually bear well hidden gifts.

  2. i say share and try everything...and then report back immediately por favor...i will save some wonder bread "dressing" from iowa for you. (damn you)

  3. Mmmmmm. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  4. Interesting menu! sort of based on the traditional Thanksgiving menu kicked up a notch (or two) into the gourmet realm. Enjoy!


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