Friday, November 13, 2009

Lunch at my desk

I know it's supposed to be a tawdry habit...but this is where I usually eat lunch. Two days ago I was overcome by the desire for salmon, as I'd been doing a bit of online shopping at Russ and Daughters to help Estorbo settle an outstanding and embarrassingly long overdue account for some legal fees. Long story. Anyway, with said establishment just down the road, the call of the salmon bagel was too strong to resist.

Initially, in the beginning of my American life, smoked salmon with cream cheese and bagel seemed a thing too barbaric to contemplate. I felt that good smoked salmon should be served with butter and brown bread. And maybe some lemon and cracked pepper. But New York soon cured me of this prejudice, though I eat the concoctions seldom. A bagel is like a doubledecker tourist bus full of calories. Nevermind the cheese.

Anyhoo. An Everything bagel later, less cream cheese than the counterman wanted to apply, and some Alaskan wild salmon (he gave me three different slices to try), a sliver of onion, and I had my lunch. A few minutes after unpacking it and settling down to the New Yorker online, our office manager walked in with a bottle of Columbia Valley wine, so everything turned out perfectly.


  1. ah! the schmear. so satisfying. just about to go out and forage myself.
    (although, barbarian that I am, I forgo the fish. Under almost all circumstances and regardless of ilk, I forgo the fish.)

    and to reply to your comment from a while ago -- I live a secular anchorite life, in a distant and awkward corner of the city, so a dinner party, even with the legacy place settings, is a daunting notion.

  2. Mmmmmm smoked salmon!!! and how wonderful to have multiple kinds to choose from! Is Estorbo paying off his bill to Neko and Marzipan, CaTorneys LLC in smoked salmon? wow!

  3. Oh Good Lord, the bounty of goodness that arrived this afternoon... Thank You Soooo much. There's a package en route to you.. :)

    Neil, Neko & Marzi


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