Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Roast chicken

Below: burned my wing tips there...oh dear. Truth is, I like crunchy wing tips. Perhaps there's a support group for that. Give me the wings, some skin and the oysters, and I'm a happy chicken. Yup, that's the other thing. My mother calls me Chicken. The potatoes above were under the chicken (not me) while it roasted, and you can see that the inner circle is quite white (er...does that reflect our society too???). While the chicken rested (not long enough, should have sat a full 12 minutes, I reckon) I popped the cast iron pan back into a 500' oven and crisped them up.

I made pan gravy out of the scratchings, some water, and a little cream and demi-glace I had hanging around. It was comforting, brown food.


  1. just a little demi-glace hanging around--that is one GOOD LOOKING BIRD sweet marie. did storbie get some?

  2. having a rough day at work, could use some comfort food. that comfort food to be exact. i'll trade flowers for food any day.

  3. That's funny about the brown food...sometimes when I make a dinner that John requests..I tell must be happy..everything you asked for on your plate is BROWN !

    The chicken looks like it deserves a BLUE RIBBON...PERFECT.

    Don't you love cooking in cast iron skillets..It's the BEST.


  4. Look at that crispy skin! Perfection!

  5. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm (mutual drool of approval from moi and all four cats) And are those whole cloves of garlic we see tucked in amongst those lovely crispy greasy 'taters? bliss!

  6. That's a beautiful, textbook roast chicken - I'm doing one tonight, basted in butter and honey & I can't wait...

  7. 'Storbie did get some, I'm afraid. Lots of polite begging there... Can't blame him, really. When the chicken rocks, the kitties beg. And it sure rocks.


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