Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Adirondack, Montreal to NYC

On our return trip to New York we sat on the left of the train, facing east. A spotty rain left the windows pixelated and promised extra-spotty pictures for the rest of the journey, but they dried after a few hours.

Our train picnic ended with a Boursault, Vince's favourite cheese, and, as far as I know, unavailable Stateside. We took our previous conductor's advice and brought our own wine. Sadly, we left the duck rillettes behind in Beloeil.

The rising and falling mists were incredibly atmospheric and I would have loved to have stopped the train for some really good pictures.

Pictures for a painter.

The Frenchie's (beautiful!) version is here. And here are some more reasons why I loved it.


  1. The scenery is truly beautiful! I think you have me convinced to take a train to Montreal. Thanks for the tour!

  2. you're just reaffirming the rightness of the calender idea. these are breathtaking.

  3. It's great to hear that you had a wonderful holiday in such a beautiful part of our great country!! Your pictures are gorgeous, as always! I smiled at your comment about the pictures being for a painter. I will take this as authorization to use them for inspiration. Once I got your "OK" to do so, I did finally paint one of your June photos. I wish you, Vince & your furry-purry a very happy New Year...have a wonderful time in SA!!

  4. It is a great trip, Ms Hound!

    flwrjane - thank you :-)

    Camille - but of course! How are the preparations for the Olympics going?

  5. Too lovely - and I love your picnic too! I mourn with you for the mislaid duck rillettes...

  6. Thanks again for your blessing to use your gorgeous photos. My attempt to recreate in watercolour, the beauty you captured by lens, will be humbling, I'm sure!!

    Olympic prep has begun...streets by the Athlete's village will be closed off shortly & portable electric advertising boards have now taken up residence on street corners, flashing "Go Canada Go"...a nice gesture, but a tad tacky, in my opinion! God knows we're spending enough money to make sure our city is highlighted ...surely there is a classier & more creative way to support our athletes? It's going to be insanely crazy here in the next few weeks, until the beginning of March. Oh, how I wish I were hiding out with a certain black feline, enjoying both his company & one of my most favourite cities!!

  7. Jeanne - I was pretty dikbek at first about those rillettes :-)

    Your are more than welcome, Camille. Good luck with all those Olympians.


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