Intently scrutinizing the flatscreen...
Another delicious dinner at the husbands'.
We escaped just after a rainstorm hit Park's glassed-in courtyard (very leaky) and headed way north to Inwood a to party for Chris and Keith's wedding televized on the Style Network. Here our Green Drinks turned very quickly into blue drinks...A most delicious salad, lasagne and raspberry cheesecake, and not before M and I polished off a bottle of wine and ate a whole lot more of my new favourite cheese, Robiola. We can't get over the gift the Style Network gave the husbands: three free nights in sunny Ja-mai-cah! Where being gay is ILLEGAL. Hello???
The subway trip from 207th to Brooklyn was not funny. Having the express run local is just unamusing.
EGAD - so sorry you had to experience the "local" A train. What a mood-kill, right? I promise not to keep you out so late the next time you're up to Inwood!