Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rock garden plant sale

Sassy succulants. Photo: Lola Horwitz

If you are in Manhattan on Sunday, April 28th,  stop by El Sol Brillante Community Garden, in Alphabet City. It is the site of the annual plant sale of the North American Rock Garden Society. (Visit their website for more info...)

On the menu:  "Sassy succulants and other uncommon plants (sun and shade) for city folk. Perennials, bulbs and rock garden plants grown by members of the Manhattan Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society and selected nurseries."

Viola pedata (bird's foot violet), on the terrace

If you get there early you may be able to snap up Aquilegia canadensis "Nana", as well as some gorgeous bird's foot violets.

And no, you don't have to have a rock garden to grow rock garden plants. Pots are perfect, as many of the Manhattan chapter members of the North American Rock Garden know!

Alphabet City is particularly rich in community gardens, so take a walking tour afterwards. I recommend the garden 6BC, particularly, on East 6th between Avenues B and C.

Then stop for a beer and chive toast at Zum Schneider, on Avenue C.

North American Rock Garden Society Plant Sale:

Where: El Sol Brillante, 522-528 East 12th St.
(between Avenue A and B)
When: April 28th, 9am - 1pm


  1. I didnt realize you had a class at the BB Garden, I iwsh I had known, is the May 22 class still available ?
    Timshell Rivers

    1. It's May 19th - I am not involved in the registrations, but if you click the link in the left sidebar you'll be able to register for the morning class or afternoon walk!


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