Sunday, April 7, 2013

Before Monday....

Last night's salad - burrata and pickled beets and the earliest, most tooth-curling sorrel from the roof...

We will be oot and aboot today, in Canadian English. Vince doesn't actually sound like that when he speaks (which is not often, actually - but I always did like silence, and people who talk without pause disconcert and intrigue me).

Our sandwiches are packed, our Metrocards charged, and, if we're lucky, the sky will be blue. We are Pelham Bay-bound, and will walk at the edges of the Long Island Sound by early afternoon.


  1. Hope you had a great "ooting." This pronunciation is also prevalent here in southeastern Virginia, around the Chesapeake--the language of "old English" fishermen who ply the trade of their great-grandfathers, often in the same wooden boats, the sturdy, "deadrise" work boat.

    The weather here was perfect today, but the warmer temps apparently prompted all the white-throated sparrows and the two loons down by my dock to depart northward at about the same time.. Pretty disloyal, if you ask me, and now the blue jays and cardinals have it all to themselves. So, keep an eye "oot" for my little friends on your porch. They don't mind a hand-out.

    Glad Storbie is doing (and looking ) better...

    An amigo..

    1. The ooting was a bit of a bust. Too far, too much trash once there. We're eyeing greener horizons.

      Maybe we should build a dock on the roof and then flood it..

      You are an excellent Amigo (paw sign), Clark. Storbie has a pile of thank you cards at the ready.


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