Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pots on the edge of a roof

Yesterday evening, some life in the pots.  Spring seemed serious. We sat in striped deck chairs on the bare silvertop and sipped drinks. The recuperating cat joined us. He has begun eating again, since Monday...

Today is sunny and blue.


  1. Now that is great news and the perfect start to the morning! Hope Don E. continues to improve and eat well!

  2. such a darling cat!

  3. If I fits in it, I sits in it.

  4. Replies
    1. He has been doing so much better this week, and then a major upchuck this evening :(

    2. We had a little of that too but fur shedding season has begun. Dig out the cat brush and start grooming...I start looking like a cat too with grey and white hair stuck all over me and the season is not even in full swing yet!

  5. Hola! hermano...we think your fur looks shiny. But we are sorry to hear that you are bomeeteen again.

  6. Estorbo does look better Marie, his fur is lying smooth, don't be disheartened by the upchuck... How old is he? x

  7. Estorbo looks so handsome on his very own lounge chair.
    Happy Sunday! Enjoy your forage event!

  8. I am glad he is eating again and hopefully this is not a setback with the vomiting. I have one that won't stop eating and is now officially the biggest kitty in the practice, at 25.2 lbs. He is also not allowed out on the balcony because he believes all plants are for chewing, then vomiting later on the carpet.

    My plants are springing back to life-- bulbs in full swing and now nasturtiums are sprouting. Can't wait for everything to really leaf out. I got some yellow archangel lamium which is looking beautiful in its new home underneath a maidenhair fern (which is still dormant) and surrounded by hyacinths. It's my new favorite of the moment.

  9. I admit to knowing nothing about cats. But pinky vomits weekly or more. All her food. Blaaarghblagahh onto the floor or whatever is lying near her (not the couch thank goodness, but there's still time). She's been doing this for years. I thought she was bulimic. Overeating and yacking. Otherwise she seems fine. I guess if your cat is not a vomiting type, then you worry. But is it possible that this is not an indication if serious illness?


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