Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pink gin

I regret - deeply - not having made more red currant gin in June. I love it. I think we sampled the first batch when the New York Times came to visit in July, and then I eked the rest out every now and then. Fortunately Vince doesn't like it as much as I do.

It is tart, not sweet at all, and there is little more sediment than I would like in the liquor. Could it be lycopenes again? As in tomato and autumn-olive juice? The black currants (and their gin is divine, too, in a very different way) were sedimentless.

So I had some of the gin last night on the roof as I thinned my greens. It is misleadingly amber in the sinking sun. The rainbow chard seedlings have made rainbows, already, and the mixed lettuce is very...purple. In amongst a zillions seedlings three are green. Interesting.

And next year's red currants are very, very far away.


  1. Looks delicious...Bright sunny morning here so lifted spirits of the other variety! :)

  2. what do you do with current gin?and what about peach gin?

  3. Hi Jelli - glad you have some sun at last. Makes such a difference.

    Donna, er...I drink it...(Was that a trick question?). With tonic, or shaken up with lime juice and various herbs...Peach gin, as in the leaves, or slices of? Drink, drink drink. Also, grown up sorbet.

  4. no trick; a g & t variant, then. just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing anything.

    peaches: thin slices of the fruit. too late here now, alas. but i still have peach vodka & rum. yum.


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