Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Atlantic Antic, 2012

Early fall colour in some plane trees near Pier 6, at the foot of Atlantic Avenue, artificially induced, I think, by the unusually dry summer.

In other local news, it's the annual Atlantic Antic this weekend - on Sunday, 30 September. The four lane Brooklyn artery will be shut down and cars and trucks and ambulances and fire trucks will be replaced with tens of thousands of humans and a lot of music, food and drink - the latter you may carry with you on your promenade through the zoo. Very unAmerican.

But. The restaurant La Mancha was shuttered this year. It's gone. We never ate there. I'm not sure anyone ever ate there (...hence...);  but, perversely,  they had the best food at the Antic - those grilled sardines, that hot chorizo.

Question is, will the new place that opened in their footprint, bright, airy (La Mancha was dark, claustrophobic), with a little marble table in the open French doors, and which has a $1 oyster specials  (why do I feel in the pit of my stomach, that I should skip this offering?)...will they be clever and continue the sardine tradition?


  1. I think we know a kitty that would ask you to bring home some feeeeesh!

  2. marie..i'm going to be there with a petition against something. maybe i will see you there. hope the writing has gone well.


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