Saturday, September 8, 2012

Moss rose

By lunchtime the moss roses - Portulaca grandiflora - on the sunny edge of the terrace have shut up shop for the day, their petals colourless, furled and dry. Until then they are a riot, enjoying cooler weather more than I would have thought, and staying open longer.

I nibble their leaves every now and then but they don't have the same very sour appeal that the sprawling weedy portulaca does - P. oleraceaethe one that boasts more omega-3 than any other measured plant source...


  1. Have fallen in love with portulaca all over again. Had not grown it in years until last year, when I put in a bed - out in the hot, hot sun. It, of course, thrived and - even better - reseeded itself so that this year I had even more. The thing I love the best is that there will be flowers of several colors on the same plant. WTF? It's just so darned happy looking!

    Glad yours is doing so well, too.

  2. My parents grew portulaca in a flower box on the front porch. They preferred the double variety. Really hardy stuff...volunteers will spring up from seed years later!

  3. I tucked portulaca in amongst succulents in a big pot this year. They bloomed their little hearts out, and it took me back to my mother's hot, sunny borders in Vancouver, when I was a little girl. Those portulaca were like jewels, in all colors. Love them.


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