Saturday, May 19, 2012


Not too impressive right now. But as of Friday evening, everything has been planted, and now we wait. The heirloom zucchini (Cocozelle di Napoli) grow almost perceptibly. Secondary leaves appeared overnight. I can't wait to see how wide their apparently compact plants finally spread. Progress on the lemon and Spacemaster cucumbers seems arrested for now. Then there are Green Zebra, Brandywine, Silver Fir, San Marco, Yellow Pear and Black Krim tomatoes. I mean, why not? And purple peppers and long purple eggplant. And scarlet runner  beans. That long skinny thing is bok choy gone to seed. I have a Plan for it. And yes, I may have picked up some black cherry tomatoes from GRDN today, with some other heirloom tomatoes as gifts for Gabrielle Langholtz,  my editor at Edible Brooklyn and Manhattan. We're visiting her this weekend in the Hudson Valley, where her husband is the livestock manager at Stone Barns. We will forage for greens, grill lamb burgers and ride on trains. Not in that order.

Have a lovely weekend, wherever you are.

We'll be back.


  1. Wow, you grow Brandywine in pots? How large are your container pots, 5 gallon?

  2. love keeping up with you....

  3. I have some Tiny Tim tomato seedlings for you--very tiny little sweet small container things grown from Hudson Valley Seeds--very strong little buggers it seems--let's talk about a GTG for the hand off (and the hugs and yet to be named champagne cocktails)...


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