Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mrs Jaffar's samosas

Mrs Jaffar cooks her samosas at the back of her stall behind the stone cottages at the Kirstenbosch Craft Market. Her daughter Taybah works front of house, doing the selling. But she also makes them to order and delivers from her Wynberg home, if you need these delicious triangles for a party or lunch or...rugby match?

There is a choice of fillings: gently spicy curried beef, finely chopped chicken, cheese, or mixed vegetables. At the market the other day we bought half a dozen of each as well as some flaky little beef pies. The samosas were still hot (my mom and I could not wait till we got home), because this shy lady cooks them on site, right there.  The fillings are moist and light, the pastry crisp. Delicious. I recommend them highly.

Mrs Jaffar's Samosas, custom orders: 021-761-2209, or 083-457-5338.

Or catch her at the Kirstenbosch Craft Market, last Sunday of each month, Jan. - May, Sept. - Nov.
Corner of Kirstenbosch Drive and Rhodes Drive.


  1. Oh I wish we had samosas delivery in my neighborhood--what Heaven!

  2. Could you please bring me a dozen?

  3. Me too, I'm on the way down to Webbs house...

    xo Jane

  4. OMG, I am so drooling over this post. I love love samosas!

  5. if I shut my mind.. I can smell them samosas! aah, I'll take a dozen as well please.. mmm! x Brisbane Au -www.thecapeclub.com

  6. I am so jealous...the taste of curried mince in that blisteringly hot crunchy pastry...catching the flakes in your hand...sucking in mouthfuls of air to cool your mouth...eaten in the sun...with someone you love...oh Lordy Lordy.


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