Wednesday, February 2, 2011

African monarch

...probably. Other butterflies mimic it very successfully in order to fool their predators into thinking that they taste just as awful as the African Monarch does. The butterfly is feeding on Linaria purpureum. Whose seeds are in my possession...

This blog may go dark till early next week unless Blogger's scheduling glitch is resolved. If it is fixed there will be a picture a day till we return from the land where the Internet does not shine.

We hope to find runaway horses to ride and thermals to fly and a river to float on, and birds and flowers and an endless beach. We will bring back stories.


  1. Have a terrific time - I can't wait to hear the stories :)

  2. Marie,

    When I encounter the sched glitch, I must always set the date and time, then save to draft first, then go back to the post list and publish. It then shows up as scheduled in the list. ack.

  3. Thanks, Paul - Very glad you found those disas!

    Frank - odd, I just discovered that it saves them as drafts. Then I re-save, and they say Scheduled. Ack. Thank you.

  4. Travel safely and bring back lots of pictures!

  5. Marie and Vince

    Enjoy the MOST picturesque village in the Overberg.

    And ENJOY Mariana's

  6. Save. Post options, choose automatic = now, or scheduled ... Publish post, and it waits politely until the timer goes off. Works for me. It won't 'publish' unless you tell it to ;~)

  7. Thanks, webb, we are back in one piece. Or two pieces.

    Lyn, we did. 37'C in the shade as the icecream melted and the wine warmed up. White gazpacho and cold ham in jelly :-) Soooooo many birds on the vleis!

    Hi Elephants Eye. Thanks! Yes, that has worked for me for years but now some people are suffering a glitch, and it no longer works that way. Presumably it will right itself at some point. BTW - good on you for standing up against the Karoo fracking! That IS a good fight to pick.


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