Friday, November 14, 2008

US Evergreens

For your complete winter bough needs.

Don't call them. You will get no sense out of them. At this time of year they are frantic, and things are only getting going. So just show up.

This is the place for woven garlands and ropes of evergreens: fat and heavy and fragrant: juniper (I ate some berries off a garland I bought - good, like sweet gin, just spit out the pips), boxwood, white pine, cedar...later they will have prickly balsam, which smells like Christmas trees on the sidewalk in New York, and probably like Christmas in the woods, but I wouldn't know about that.

The orange leaves in the photo belong to the Callery pears, yes, they of the weak crotches and pretty white blossoms. I have never asked where the cut boughs are from. I'm afraid to know, because they are substantial and one imagines a tree unable to withstand such a donation, or withdrawal, or stick up, as the case may be.

There are faggots of white birch wood (yes, there is such a thing and I stick to my word), posies of rosehips and wreaths of magnolia grandiflora. It's a chaotic place, and worth a visit in this funny city.

6th Avenue just south of West 28th Street.

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