Thursday, January 30, 2014

Winter terrace

This will be a useful "before" picture.

I just hope that the after version isn't a complete fluff up.

Tomorrow I look for birch branches for a very open (feet apart) series of verticals. The horizontals may just be wire, or perhaps much thinner branches. I just don't want to build  stockade.


  1. Good idea re: the birch branches. There really is no privacy on that terrace, it is like being on a stage!

    1. New York is like being on a stage. I think it's why half of us come here. I was very lucky with that last terrace.

  2. Love your comment Marie! I will never get over "loosing" the Brooklyn Heights Henry Street terrace in the shadow of the "Twin Towers" 1979-1989! GH P.S. GH How is the tub?

    1. Bath was done very well, and Javier, who did the work in frigid conditions (wide open windows and door on sub zero day), was the cleanest worker I've ever seen.

      However this is something that will have to be repeated every few years. It's not enamel, it's just a waterproof coating. So it's temporary and will peel if scratched hard. I gather it cost around $360 for four hours of work (most of which was protecting, and stripping - the spraying took maybe ten minutes).

      Yeah - went back to Cobble Hill today to see the vet. Lump in my throat. I loved that neighbourhood. I mean, I am liking the new one, but the other one was in my heart.

    2. Thank you! And yes, are we not lucky to have those memories but also "build" new ones….Happy weekend! GH

  3. looking forward to seeing the transformation. there's gotta be another book in there.

  4. oh boy !! I (we) can't wait xo S + gang
    so exciting ;-)

  5. How lovely the snow is. It appears that you have more on the ground than we have upstate. Look forward to seeing what you do with the birch branches. I'm with Anonymous. There will surely be a book about the transition and transformation. At least I hope so.

    Nancy Mc

  6. In the south here - Texas - but no matter, its cold. I wil be exploring using /making a bamboo screen to block out a too close neighbor. Look forward to seeing your birch branches. Mine must be lightweight - just enough for a not heavy vine. Love your snow pictures..

  7. I had not realized that you left Brooklyn for Harlem since I had not visited your blog in a while! Welcome - there is a thriving garden community in the area. I'm on 131st and Lenox - just a stone's throw away - with a very similar deck to yours. It does lack privacy, but I hope you will find, as we have, that it fosters community. There is a lovely community garden on 132nd between Lenox and ACP - I hope you get involved. The UGC is great - they will take good care of you there I'm sure. Enjoy!

    1. Hey Holly, we're neighbors! - I'm perversely private and self contained (for someone who has a blog) so at home I like to shut the world out :-) I'll visit your garden...

      Do you happen know anything about the shuttered one on 127th, near Lenox? Had chains on the gates since October.

      What is UGC?


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