Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Sunday office

I was dictating a note to myself, but my personal assistant fell asleep.

The biggest news, this Sunday, is that the juncos have found the hanging bird feeder. I can see them from bed. I mean, the office.

The sun is shining. A sliver of it falls across the narcissus on the table. Soon, we'll head to the park.


  1. That's my favorite "office" as well, and my four-legged muse is always ready to assist me.

  2. Looks just like our "office" too.

  3. a beautiful photo & a tress handsome assistant xoxo Susan & les Gang

  4. My Juncos only feed on the ground below the feeder, but they are one of my favorite birds. They are around in the snow and bitter cold and always "chipper" ( my favorite word)


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