Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Marking the change

We wandered Chinatown.

My blood is still sun-thin, and it seemed very cold.

The sea urchins were tempting but we had Dungeness crab in our sights.

The first recipe in my book, in the January chapter, is for crabs with black bean sauce, and it had been a while since I'd made them.

The Frenchman took pictures in the crab shop but was swiftly whistled at and told to desist. It was easier to take pictures of vegetables. Garlic chives, above, and giant bamboo shoots below (I had to buy those).

We stopped in at Dim Sum Go Go for our favourite dumplings.

And at home the cat became deeply interested in the crab preparations.

Thanks to our friends Eric and Mimi there was a bottle of Veuve Cliquot waiting to be drunk on the last night of the old year. Goes well with black bean crabs. Really.

Ginger, garlic, soy, the beans and lemon juice. 

                                                           Photo: the Frenchman

                                                         It was a long, messy evening.

                                      *** Click the link for Dungeness crab sustainability***


  1. Terrific images.. And could almost smell the crabs Estorbo is focused upon. Our crabs around the Chesapeake are smaller and less plentiful this year; so your Chinatown jumbos obviously did not come from here.
    And speaking of terrific pictures, just opened up our two "2014 Square 66 Calendars," and Estorbo now regally graces my office wall, while the Market Calendar is already hanging perfectly in the country kitchen. My favorite image is "May" where corded asparagus rows are tightly, "pointed up!" (An appropriate phrase one recalls Jackie Gleason offered via "Soldier in the Rain"--but not about vegetables..)

    Happy 2014!

  2. Thin blood or not: it's COLD!! Those dumplings look amazing.

  3. Where did you see that sea urchin?

    1. South side of Canal Street, just east of the funny triangle island.

  4. I see you're gearing up for Chinese New Year already :) Would be keen to know what you end up doing with the bamboo shoots. Watch out for any small prickles on the sheaths - they itch, so wear gloves when peeling them off!

  5. happy new year!
    It' would be more colorful at Lunar New year!


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