Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The roof: T - 4 and counting

Sundown, October. It always does this.

More boxes have been packed. We are down to one pot and one pan in the kitchen.


  1. Have you packed the cat's stuff yet? And don't forget the butter on the paws, locked doors, windows - he might want to make his way back to Brooklyn

    1. Moving the cat is like moving the president in a time of crisis. Except Estorbo is PAWTIS, not POTUS.

  2. Assuming the one pot is the Bialetti your creative juices will really be flowing over the next few days.

    Nancy Mc

  3. Not on topic, but have you consider creating a basic kitchen equipment and pantry list for your readers? I used to be a good, basic cook, but with work and all have cooked less and less over the years. Now I'm starting to get back into and I want to create a pantry/fridge stocked with the things I need to cook a good dinner when I get home from work....just a thought, or maybe a hope ;-D

    1. Will work on it. Do not expect anything soon :-) But it does depend on what kind of food you like...

      What kind of food do you like?

    2. I wish I could say I'm an adventurous eater and while I'm better than my husband (strictly meat and potatoes) I'm more of your average Italian, hate fish (and I live in Seattle) love stews and soups and most things French. I've never met a cheese, carb, fruit or vegetable I didn't like. I'm with Vince on saucisson which is a wonderful food. I've never had duck, but like elk (as long as I don't think about where it comes from). I hope that helps! And do go to France one day....I've been fortunate to visit several times and several different parts of the country and it is glorious!


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