Monday, October 28, 2013

Conservatory Garden in fall

A surprise. Returning yesterday afternoon from a long ramble in Central Park's North Woods, a small splash of colour in the distance caught the Frenchman's eye. I guessed that the flowers might be chrysanthemums, planted in the Conservatory Garden, around the fountain (remember spring tulips? And I write about this garden in the April chapter of A Delicious Life, when my mother and I picnicked under drifts of crabapple blossom). But I shuddered at the thought of all those artificially round mounds that infest the fall landscape in Northeastern parts.

But there were no mounds. Instead, there were these lovely, leggy creatures. Looking the way plants should, despite the monoculture of their planting. It was hugely impressive, in terms of impact. I'll be back, I hope, this week, when there are fewer people.

On foot, this garden and its southern parts, which we did not visit today, are just fifteen minutes away.

If you can, go. This is really something to see.


  1. These Korean mums are a glory every year. The palette of colors is so extraordinary that I always dub them "Monet mums."

  2. I am loving the photos of your walkabouts.

  3. So beautiful and cheering in the fall...over here in the UK it is just grey, grey, grey so I am envious of your bright blooms.

  4. Are they really "Korean mums"? Funny, because I found a pot of them in the local Korean deli today and, of course, inspired by you, immediately bought them. They are now aglow on my roof deck.


  5. In true Lynden Miller style at the Conservatory Garden, no everyday "mum display", but beautiful and painterly.

  6. Visit it in april, when chinese wisteria is blossoming. I've been there 10 years ago and loved it!

  7. Wow - if I didn't know it was October I'd think it Spring time from your pics. Much more colourful than the UK that's for sure! Gorgeous.
    Claire xx

  8. Oooops, you already did …

  9. Those tall, russet coloured chrysanthemums were the backbone of my brown garden when I was a child.

  10. It's as if Mother Nature is shouting, "Hey, people, pay attention. Remember all this until spring!" I love this late surge of fall flowers! Glad it's close to your new digs.


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