Monday, October 7, 2013

T-7 and counting

A pink evening. This was Sunday.

I don't know what came over me. I cooked like a fiend. Too-many Berkshire pork chops, roasted with grapes and rooftop rosemary branches in the oven. Two apples whole, in their own pan, beneath. A tray of those delectable squashed potatoes hissing beside them, scattered with chopped garlic and preserved lemon. And then there were the marrow bones. Small dishes of black currant chutney and pickled mustard.

The weekend's activity was intense - and shouldered heavily by the Frenchman. He carried all the boxes destined for Harlem, in out and down and up again. He fetched and drove the truck.  Then he took apart the book cases and the bed. Then he lay down.

I cooked. And I shook pink cocktails. Red currant gin with a slosh of sumac vodka and a squeeze of lime: tart, tannic, fresh. I sipped and chopped. The revived Frenchman watched a movie. Then we tackled the pork chops. With melting roast apple, and crisp potato and wobbly, parsleyed marrow.

And glasses of prosecco. Of course.

Our last Sunday supper in Brooklyn.

[ And a nice bonus for today - a lovely review of 66 Square Feet on Apartment Therapy's theKitchn]


  1. Though there is nothing worse than moving, well except finding a place to move to, it sounds like Vince was amply rewarded for his labors,.

    The new place looks big and beautiful and airy, judging from your pic on FB.

    The best is clearly yet to come.

    xo J.

    1. Oh, reading this I felt so sad for you both! But you will have a new place for Sunday suppers soon, and I hope that one day you feel as strongly about your new home as you do the wonderful home of 66 Square Feet.

  2. You truly are a domestic goddess!

  3. Fabulous. Celebrate the now and the yet-to-be!

  4. A huge hug for Vince for working so hard. I'm with Jane. The new place looks so lovely on FB and hopefully over "here" soon, too. I predict the creative juices will flow even faster, once you're all moved in and starting to settle. A new book, a new home, a new garden - all in 90 days! whew!

  5. A fitting finale. I am so excited for you!

  6. Wow! You guy deserve a rest especially the Frenchman. I'm sure you'll come up with something beautiful in your new abode. Pictures please!

  7. Congratulations on your book being featured in The Kitchn!

    1. A great writeup too! The reviewer expressed exactly the way I feel about Marie's book and the blog. By the way, for others interested in checking it out, it is under the Life in the Kitchen/gardening category.

      Nancy Mc

  8. Terrific for Vince doing what good guys do when moving day comes. Brute strength takes over and our women are grateful. Wish I was closer in order to have helped him.

  9. A perfect last Sunday dinner.
    & you & your Frenchman make a great team!

  10. Last Sunday supper in Brooklyn sounds splendid. Moving is the worst and the best at the same time. You guys, as Lily says, make a terrific team - on to the next adventure!! We're all behind you x


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