Sunday, February 10, 2013

Manhattan does Brueghel

Fort Tryon Park at the northern tip of Manhattan yesterday, in waning light.

We had a beautiful, snowy walk.

More to come.


  1. What a perfect header and photo combination! Nothing transforms NY into a happy village like a big snow.

  2. Breughel? Manhattan? Interesting...

  3. Bruegel and this modern version

  4. very nice photo, light, scale and composition... but without a fight or a fire, a few twisted poses, some discordant element/social commentary/satire/subversion...not brueghel to me. and are these really the 21st century peasants?

    1. Maybe you need to know Washington Heights a little better.

      A meticulous if pedantic observation.

  5. What a treasure to capture that Breughelesque scene!

  6. And I believe I see some 'bent' figures there!!

  7. Yes to Breughel and Washington Heights. I lived there and worked there for a year
    But the food is missing. Do you have a picnic to share with us ?

  8. "Anonymous" probably took some art history courses. You know: deadly serious and so didactic about what is in the frame/plane/painting.
    It's a beautiful photo, Marie! Capturing that ephemeral blue dusk light.

    1. I really just meant in the spirit of...Certainly not that the photo itself was marvelous. Brueghel was the first thing I thought when I looked down at that slope.

      Except that I thought 'Breughel' :-)

  9. Such a lovely photograph!
    I wish we had gotten some snow here in Virginia, it creates such a pleasant camaraderie.

  10. That's a great scene... Marie-esque I thought : )

  11. Hello from Denver,
    I grew up in Washington Heights, just before its
    transformation to the current, more urban profile
    and demographics. Ft Tryon Park was our big, woodsy,
    charming back yard. I still remember sitting on benches
    at the river edge of the park, watching the Hudson River
    flow majestically past and looking over at NJ's Palisades
    cliffs. The Heights was a little village then, quiet, family-oriented, with old-fashioned ice cream parlors with
    marble counters and those curvy-back little chairs. No bodegas on every corner then and no loud music bkaring
    from every boombox. Our older brothers used to sled down 187th St to -- and across -- Broadway! imagine!
    "Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan?" indeed.
    Could you do a post on The Cloisters sometime? i would love to re-visit its gardens (and medieval art) through your
    perceptive, artist's eyes. Thank you, Marie. Your blog is
    a joy!

  12. Meant "blaring" there, sorry.

  13. Beautifully descriptive - a joy to read. And all I saw in SE Asia was Ali Velshi on CNN hanging on to some lamp-post breathlessly reporting on the great blizzard bearing down on the poor folks in NYC. Nice to see it left Dutch paintings and soft white eiderdowns.

  14. Went to the Met this afternoon and saw the Bellows show. It's a knockout--I only knew him for was the boxer paintings so I was surprised. He made series of paintings of Riverside Park in various seasons. The paintings of the park in the winter reminded me of your photo with its extreme? perspective and blue light. Thought you might be interested. Also to see NY park and streetscapes from the early 20th century.

    Admission is just a suggestion; I saw a man pay a penny once.


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