Saturday, February 16, 2013

Flowers for Jane's House

Flowers for Jane

Blogs are funny places. Hearts on sleeves.

You meet people, but you have never met them. You fall in love with someone whose hand you have never held. I was in love with Vince before we met in person. The cab ride to Newark International was the most tense, the most exciting ride of my life. AND we got lost on Staten Island, on the way, the yellow cab driver as excited and distracted as I was, giving me advice about this auspicious meeting, and marriage, all the way. He was crushed when, at the airport, after I'd found Vince, tall, dressed in black (I was, too!) we decided to stay there for our coffee date instead of riding back to Brooklyn immediately in his cab. I still wish I could find him to tell him how it turned out. He was the rare New Yorker.

I was terrified on that ride because I was worried that Vince and I would not click in person, that the chemistry would not be there. But it was. No doubt. Five alarm fire.

So that worked out.

And then there is Jane, whose Small but Charming I've been reading since she started it in 2009, after I got to know her on this blog. She is a natural-born writer (I'm still waiting for the book) and has captured the hearts of friends all over the planet, with stories of her life in Arlington, before Arlington, her garden, her Flowers in the House on Mondays, her cooking, the flower shop, the lab, the new kittens, her struggle to quit smoking, to lose - not much - weight (achieved, and achieved) and, always, everything infused with her love for her girlfriend and partner, GG.

So when I opened a new post of Jane's last night and read that GG is leaving, out the door, it felt like a kick in my own guts. My poor friend. I wanted to get on a plane or a train and go south immediately. How I know that feeling. That horrible feeling. And if it happened to me now? It does not bear thinking about.

Today, we will talk for the first time. And next month I'll visit. And I'm not worried about the chemistry. I'm just worried about my friend. I love her, too.

We have you surrounded, Jane.


  1. Absolutely true. I read Jane's post last night, and it broke my heart. I hate seeing a (virtual but true) friend in pain.

    I suppose the silver lining is that you two will finally meet. Maybe Jane will become a NYC regular like me.

  2. I'm tearing up AGAIN! So much love for our friend Jane. Please post the visit!!!

  3. Hi, I'm new here but have been reading Jane's beautiful life story for about 3 years now. I'm heartbroken as well.

    Yes, please post the visit!


  4. Oh my god I just got up from a non nap and read this and it's almost enough to send me back under the covers I am so overwhelmed.

    I feel so lucky to have you in my life. As soon as I stop crying I'm going to call you.

    I'll be the one with the 703 zip code and the husky voice.

    Thank you. J.

  5. No one could have said it better, and i wish i had thoughgt of it instead ofjust sitting here intears. You are a good friend, Marie, virtual or otherwise.

    As much as a hate this situation, it warms my heart to see a community pull together for our friend.

  6. Yes, yes, exactly Marie. We all love you to bits, Janey girl. Shoulder to shoulder all over the globe. x

    1. Ditto to all the warm thoughts and comments.
      Im new here but have rapidly fallen in like with all you flower ladies and gardening femmes in just a few months.


  7. It is amazing how we feel we know the people we read (I feel like I know you)....and when something happens in their lives it touches us, like a good friend.

    I've made some great friends via blogging, some I've met, some not.
    I even stayed at a woman's home in France last summer that I met via my blog.
    Now long distance friends forever.

    You are good to write this post. I feel for Jane.
    Have a good Sunday! :) Good night.

  8. Thank you Marie for so eloquently saying what we all feel xxx

  9. Holding hands all over the world xxx

  10. Beautifully said Marie. She is such a sweetheart, I think all our hearts ache for her which probably makes hers hurt a litle less.

  11. Well put. I love Jane too. And am also waiting for her book.

  12. A beautiful and heartfelt post. Bonnie

  13. What a sweet tribute to your friend! I don't "know" Jane, but look forward to reading some of her stories now.

  14. So many times your posts bring tears to my eyes, as was the case today. Maybe it's because I wish I could be your friend, and have you feel as close to me as I do to you by reading your blog.

    I don't have a blog, but my son lives in Manhattan. I'm in Florida. More than once I've thought of trying to meet you when I go up to visit him. Maybe some day.

    Your friend anyway, Nancy R

  15. Errr, what do you mean what if it happened to you now? You mean if the cat left you? 'Cause I'm sticky as glue. xxx

    1. Let's just say I do not take you for granted.

      Or the cat ^^


  16.'s such a comfort to have friends. the best part of this story is your being there for her.


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