Friday, February 1, 2013


Abraham Darby and Pat Austin - both David Austin hybrids

This is why I garden. To have these. This was May.

And it will be May again.


  1. *sigh* Beautiful. And yes, it will be May again.

  2. Thanks for the reminder *sigh* I only "met" you because of the Abraham Darby. I guess I need to order a Pat Austin today to be ready for May...

  3. But first we have to get thru four months, er weeks, of February. One can hope ...

    I do have a "Sister Elizabeth" ordered for early spring arrival. My first attempt at a David Austin. Am intimidated, but can't wait to get it planted.

  4. Beautiful. David Austin's are the best.

  5. One of my favs has always been Eglantyne. I also love several of the once-bloomers, especially gallicas such as Cardinal de Richlieu.

    1. Ah, you are a connoisseuse...indeed they are wonderful. I'm just too demanding of my small-space roses. Must bloom many times.

    2. Felicite et Perpetue was my most favorite. I had to stop with roses here, but if I had the sun and the room-- I would do those again. FeP has scented foliage. The whole thing smells of old roses even out of bloom.

    3. Oh and even better, FeP was evergreen. <3

  6. ...and if anyone knows heat-hardy roses - re-bloomers - give me a holler. A. Darby is reliable even in heat though the flowers are smaller in the hottest months. Pat Austin is very unhappy when hot. Eglantyne wilted. Munstead Wood holds up pretty well.

    1. Have you looked into some of the teas? I had Mlle Franziska Kruger by my front door. Bloomed quite often. It was fairly hot there, often dried out during the summer, and I didn't have many problems with the foliage. Another solution could be to double pot if root temps are the issue...

    2. One last thought (morning is when I poke around online for garden stuff) you can go to the forums at gardenweb and go to the rose forum and search for heat. You'll get several recommendations that way.


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