Sunday, December 2, 2012

Flowers for an 80th birthday

My father loves bright salmon roses.

I love salmon, the fish.

After some begging I was allowed to diversify, and these bowls of flowers for the tables in the marquee were filled with chinkerinchees (purchased), asters (purchased), Inca lilies (purchased), the salmon roses and some cream and golden ones, which we picked on Saturday morning at a nearby rose farm; the rest were from the garden:  lily buds, agapanthus, bulbine, calendula, coreopsis, scarlet runner beans (my mom wasn't too pleased I had picked those), gnidia, mint and lots of Confederate jasmine.

The party is over - I think it went very well. It's hard to know when you are in it. It was wonderful to see so many old family friends, and my whole family together - a rare event. The food was delicious, and wine and Champagne flowed. Once the speech I had to make was over, I could relax a bit, especially as it was received very well.


There are many stories to tell, but as I type my husband is asleep beside me, and I must join him. I am about ready to pass out. It's been a busy couple of days.

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  1. How beautiful. Especially wonderful, since it is cold and snowy here on the East Coast this weekend.

  2. So glad your dad had a good party, altho I prefer the fish to the color, too. You did lovely arrangements and managed to put lots of blues in to soften the, err, salmon. Thanks for spreading your SA cheer back to us.

  3. Mmm... I like both the fish and the flower color but the diversification of those bouquets did turn out beautifully.

  4. A lovely mix of flowers - so glad the party went well - enjoy your rest.

  5. yes thanks for the flower arrangements coming our way, and news of a good party. Your writing lends itself to a good speech. authentic.

  6. Ohhh. Confederate jasmine. I love that fragrance! That would have made for a very sweetly-perfumed party. Well done.

  7. I love Jasmine too - my first "favorite" fragrance.
    It really is amazing to see how a beautiful garden is blooming on another side of our world this time of year.
    & I love how you wrote in your last post, "...rose petals loosened by the wind".

  8. Gorgeous flowers. Happy birthday to Marie's papa!

  9. It would be an Excellent gift to present such beautiful flowers to your dear one. At an age of 80 your father would really enliven by seeing the beauty of these fresh flowers. Their beauty is beyond the limit of words. I am sending best wishes to your dad.


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