Tuesday, December 13, 2011

In December

Tough times. I have scrounged all the sage that I can find. No more. The thyme remains. A few last leaves of parsley. Look at the roses, full of leaves. Still, the freezing nights have only just started. Up in our top floor nest we require no heating. The building's heat rises to warm us. So does the ground floor's pot smoke. All day. Back to the terrace: Time to tidy - the dead brown leaves on the red-leafed strawberries. The whisps of fluff on the clematis. The ragged lily stalks. The dead chives. The guys across the road in the white van started jackhammering yesterday. Dr-dr-dr-dr all day in the sidewalk. On the corner lots a new townhouse rose this year, from nothing, it is tall and now enveloped in blue tarps; beside it the beautiful big building on the corner itself was gutted and has all new windows ready for its new apartment dwellers; and right across the road, with the drill guys, a foundation is being laid. The earth has been moved and taken away. Massive I-beams have been delivered. Three new expensive houses will happen where there was nothing but open land and feral cats. I'll watch them go up as I garden in the spring roof farm. Time lapse would be nice...


  1. Perhaps the contact high from your downstairs neighbors will make it seem like a time lapse. Even now the garden is interesting.

  2. Those strawberry leaves are gorgeous. Here in Cleveland, we got peas on our sugarsnap plants that I planted mid-September just in time for the first hard freeze. Ah well, there's always spring.

  3. looks beautiful to me...time lapse would be very good. funny--i got the same wafts of smoke here, the annoying truck across the street trying to turn over the engine all...day...long...and used dead chives on my boiled potatoes just yesterday. In solidarity, your friend, bonbon

    p.s. my security word is "ovilify". something manufactured by Big Pharmeceutical no doubt.


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