Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Drinking the weather

A refined version of the cider cocktail I've been fiddling with:

So, a sliced apple - skin, pips and all (they add colour), a cup of water and a quarter cup of sugar. Bring to the boil and cook to reduce by half. That's your quick apple syrup. It's lower on sugar than a proper simple syrup (sugar and water in equal parts) - I don't want it too sweet, and I don't intend keeping it for long. Cool.

Half a part apple syrup, two parts cognac (mine was infused with spicebush berries), four parts cold dry hard cider. Shake up the syrup and cognac with ice. Strain and pour into a coupe. Top with cider.



  1. You might enjoy the John Wright's blog in the Guardian for drink inspiration:


  2. that sounds so good! Perfect for a sunny afternoon on the balcony.

  3. Love cider, can almost taste it - I will make it this Sunday, have you named it??


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