Monday, April 18, 2011

Picnic in the Park

Callery pear and zelkova

Choose:  a day of fractured sunlight, pulled-apart clouds, white blossom, wind on water. Find: baguette, dried sausage, terrine, cheese, pickles, butter. Wine. Realize: the colder the picnic the better the Riesling tastes. Sit: alone on a sloping lawn in the city of 8 million.

Amelanchier (Juneberry)

Brooklyn Bridge Park


  1. Your last few posts have reminded me how much I loved my early spring bike rides when I lived in Williamsburg. The rush of bleachy scent from the Callery pears had an almost physical form as I rode into the cloud wafting off a group of them. It's not my favorite smell but it always was a marker of spring. The intense spring scents always made me wonder how dogs could stand spring's olfactory assault.

  2. I notice that the bridge is draped. Painting or? I suppose if they are painting that draping to protect the water is imperative.

  3. have I told you, you create the best picnics?
    & your photos from your previous post are amazing!

  4. Brian that is good description of their scent, which really is a smell!

    Teri - mysterious maintenance due for completion in 2014, I think. Pity for pictures.

    Lily H - thank you very much...

    Liu, merci :-)


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