Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Sunday

Yesterday: Baltic Street spring b...I mean forsythia.

The best viburnum ever.

Summit Street Community Garden irises.

BLT's (actually BAT's - bacon, arugula, tomato) and Red Hook rose on the pier in Valentino Park, Red Hook.


  1. Love seeing your spring flowers. Remember seeing beautiful forsythia in England one spring long ago. And loved it. It won't grow here.
    Maybe in the Free State ?

  2. Hi Marie

    Did you read about SA's new flower?

  3. I am curious about this "local" rosé ...

  4. Hen, yes, I think it would be fine in the Free State. It is spectacular in early spring then becomes a tangle of nondescript green branches. Often it is shorn to within an inch of its life, here. ...hey. I think we did have it! I suddenly remembered the tangled, unruly thicket I played in when I was small. But where? The Beyers? At the end of their tennis court! You think?

    Leah - I had not! It is a moraea, in the iris family. It looks superficially like the summer-flowering one we saw in the Karoo...

    Lambert, thank you for the accent:-) It is good, uncomplicated. It has a terrible name: "Red Dahlia", which would make you think it tastes like bubble gum...The Brooklyn Wine Exchange has been selling it.


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