Sunday, January 30, 2011


Eggplants, baby courgettes, thyme and basil from the garden. Tomatoes, peppers and garlic from Elsewhere. Add a little water, a little more olive oil, season, cover and cook in oven till soft, about 45 minutes.

If you uncover them to brown up a bit at high heat, do not forget them in the oven, like I did. They ended up as crispy little nibbles. So they became a roast lamb garnish, instead. Not exactly what I had intended. But no one knew. I guess now they do.

There is a proper recipe for ratatouille at 66 Square Feet (the Food).

1 comment:

  1. It looks so spring vegetable fresh, and you know what we are getting in the eastern U.S. right now. Enjoy!


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