Friday, January 14, 2011

Growing food in Khayelitsha

Here are some pictures - if they upload in time before the Internet crashes again - from the township of Khayelitsha where earlier in the week I visited some farms producing organic vegetables and herbs, courtesy of the training and support of Abalimi Bezekhaya

Soon I'll post a link to the story.

My mother says he is a bully canary, but I say his eye marking is different. Birders?

Guess what they are...

 Celery flowers!


  1. Excellent pics of the Township foodgardens and surrounds - Thank you Marie. Abalimi is close to my heart!
    The Canary...
    Bully's have a big beak - as in your photo but the eye streak split like that makes me think its a Yellow Canary. In any event it looks immature, a bit scruffy really, with fluffy juveline feather below its wings. So - no help from me I'm afraid.

  2. Fantastic photos, doll - and that's the project that they started on the unused land under decommissioned power lines, right? It's a fantastic initiative, mostly because it came from within the community, not imposed by well-meaning outsiders.

  3. So glad you got to visit Abalimi and what lovely photos.

  4. Thanks, Lyn. I think I need to line up several canaries for comparison!

    Thanks, Bokkie (hi Jeanne!). There is one under powerlines - large - and hundreds of others, from tiny to big. Abalimi was in fact started by a 'well meaning outsider', Rob Small. It is now very much part of the community, with a complex network of affiliates and NGO's assisting.

    Without the infrastructure, support and technical back up from Abalimi's management and field workers I don't think many of the gardens would remain viable for long.

    Thank you, Keri - I always come back itching to plant vegetables...

  5. beautiful greens. the juxtaposition to razor wire is a bit jarring, to these naive eyes.


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