Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Zucchinis and lists

The big question is, do we eat these now, or hope that they'll be alive when we come back from Rockport? We have a kind waterer and cat feeder for the duration of our little holiday, but still. It's the roof.

I know. Eat now.

The second zucchini plant is making masses of flowers, all male hitherto, but now I see some fruit starting. I wonder what took it so long? The squash is beginning to set fruit, too. The slow black cherry tomato is turning colour on its collection (I hope it lives), and the watermelon,'s depressed. If it could, I think it would throw itself off the roof, but it's tethered. The so-called patio tomato is making flowers, but that's all. No fruit. And it has mealie bugs. My first mealie bugs ever, so I'm quite excited. They must have come with it from Dig. I might go up and swipe them with alcohol later.

I must buy a stake for that plant: it's flopping
And sandwich ingredients for the train tomorrow. I like trains. Picnics on trains, especially.
Must brush the cat.
Buy a bottle of something good for our waterer.
Find my bikini.
Charge batteries for all cameras.
Get out Vincent's beloved thermos. He loves the thermos. It means Travel. Like a dog seeing its leash. I mean that in a good way. Dawn on Dune 45 in Namibia. On the road, at my feet. Crossing the Malotis in Lesotho. And Amtrack.
What else? Stuff. All the usual other stuff.

I will post from the road if I can, but might not.


  1. Cape Ann is gorgeous! Eat scallop chowder at the Salt Box in Essex if you have access to a car. And visit Marblehead too, if you can - fewer tourists and lovely old tiny houses with plenty of gardens.

    Have a great time!


  2. Definitely eat the squash. Have a great trip.

  3. Have a great, and safe, trip. Enjoy the train, and the ride. And don't forget sunscreen, even if you don't use it at the end.

  4. The water's cold, so the air's perfect. Enjoy.

  5. Do you have enough pollinators? We've got lots of bee balm and flowers to attract the bees and butterflies, and a neighbor keeps a honeybee hive, but I imagine part of the challenge in a city (esp on a roof!) is getting some little buggers in there to get from flower to fruit.

    You definitely have different weather than we do in the Pac NW. We've been eating zucchini for weeks now, but only jsut starting to see ripe cherry tomatoes.

  6. PRRRRS, thank you, that's a good tip. Salt Box, Essex.

    Meems, going to pick it now.

    Maria - thank you. But what about my Vit. D levels :-)?

    Frank, I saw the temps, it's nuts. 72'F. I may need a sweater. Sweet.

    Tzipporah, yeah, an issue. Thing is, my terrace is vibrating with pollinators. You think they'd look up?

  7. Yippee a holiday! You two have a wonderful time, we'll look forward to sharing both your takes on it.

    We have no bees here. Do I tell you this every post? Maybe they went to Brooklyn. This is a first for us. Very sad.
    xo jane

  8. Have a great trip. It seems like New England is calling out to everyone; we head for NH in the morning.

  9. Hope you ate the zucchini - it will be too big when you return. happy trip.

  10. Have a good holiday - there's nothing like a break to refresh yourself (and appreciate your own home!)

  11. The peaches and blueberry cake was divine!! Have a great trip - we'll miss you :)

  12. Have a great time on holiday! I'm sure the waterer/cat feeder will have everything under control

  13. Do you know what works reeealy well for pollinating your tomatoes? Take an electric toothbrush (this works, promise)with an old head, turn it on and put the vibrating brush against the flower stalks. It loosens the pollen and help it go where it should. Love your blog - it's very inspiring!


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