Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fall greens are up!


I sowed these seeds on Friday evening. This what they looked like on Tuesday evening. These belong to the 'spicy microgreens mix', which is bit funny, since, as far as the micro part goes, I am the Decider, right? I could make them macro greens, if I wanted to. Semantics. The confusing part was that in the trough next door some seedlings looked the same. Hmmm. Those are chervil seeds. I think. And then there's a trough of upland cress.

I know, the perlite. Ugly. It was a mistake but I didn't have it in me to take the bags back.

Does anyone have some insight into the ecological impact of perlite? It starts life as heavy volcanic rock, is crushed, sifted and then turned into the popcorn we know at 1,000'C/1,800'F. Because it looks so artificial I have always had an aversion to it, but is my prejudice well-founded? Apparently Greece and Turkey are major producers followed by, yup, China and the States.

Anyway, tomorrow I will take out the awful-looking cucumbers, and plant more greens. Maybe the upland cress again, also known fetchingly as creasy greens or American cress, which seems to get quite big. And I have a packet of mesclun not yet sown, too.

The poor Frenchie will be munching salad long-sufferingly beside me. I love it, he loathes it.

I am wondering what will happen if I plant garlic now. We have long since eaten the spring-planted crop.

In other news, the cucuzza is clinging desperately the courgette plant. The cucuzza leaves still smell dreadful. Maybe the tendrils know it.

And here is my, ah...zucchini. Waiting to be...I can't say it. Zucchini make me nervous.

I'll pick it when it's ready.


  1. we plant our garlic in october...

    don't know what would happen if it went in now?

  2. I forgot how fast seeds sprout this time of year..thanks for the reminder to start my winter gargen.

  3. Karen - the you harvest in spring, right? I am an impatient pig, so want to eat my garlic in early winter. Wondering if if it will have Three months...Probably not.

    Sherri - you're welcome. What will you plant?

  4. Discovered our first zucchini last night, black beauty. It was sweet, firm and unblemished.

    GG sauteed it up with onions, garlic, S&P. crushed red pepper and a handful of cherry tomatoes. This got tossed with bow tie pasta, She added diced mozzarella, julienned basil and sprinkled with parmesan cheese. It was delicious, NOT scary at all.
    Try it. Come on.

  5. wow that was amazingly fast germination! fall planted garlic usually needs to overwinter and then grow on all spring... Your zucchini looks handsomer than the usual it black or purple?...the only time i find zucchini scary is when i have 20 ripening at the same time and they rapidly approach the size of baseball bats.


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