Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New York Times link love

Today's New York Times' City Room features a picture from my recent post about the quiet of Brooklyn Bridge Park...

I admit I squealed, and nearly spilled my coffee ('Tanzanian berries', light roast, courtesy of the Porto Rico Importing Co. on East 8th Street).


  1. Congratulations! Big smile on me for you.

    Now that's a rush, no? better than caffeine!

  2. They can do that? Use your pic without your consent first? aslong as they give provenance or copyrights I suppose? Wow!

  3. Jane - merci :-)

    Sigrid - it's a good thing. No worries. The glass is half full :-)

  4. Congratulations, Marie totally worth squealing about ;-)

  5. wow, that's really exciting! (and what a gorgeous breakfast set)

  6. Congrats, that's a gratifying nod.


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