Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Edible Brooklyn cover

This was a nice surprise - walking into our wine shop the day after we got back from South Africa and seeing the latest edition of Edible Brooklyn on display, with my Brooklyn Bitters cocktail on the cover!

See, there's the silver-plated cocktail shaker my mom gave us, one of the Woodstock glasses (late 19th century South African commercial glass enterprise) that survived The Tick, aka the cat sitter from hell, the big knife I haggled for in Cape Town (Are you from Johannesburg? asked the snotty salesman, crossly. New York, I said proudly. He rolled his eyes in an I-should-have-guessed-it circle. I got 10% off. It was a floor model!).

What else. Oh, red currant gin - all gone now, very sad, and hen of the woods mushrooms in the background. And the Missing Opinel. I lost it, somehow. I got a new one for my birthday. Can't live without an Opinel knife. High carbon steel - the blade that rusts if you look at it but which sharpens to a paper thin edge of dangerousness.

These bitters were wonderful, and next year I shall make vast quantities - mostly wild black cherry based. And next year it seems I will be leading a troop of bartenders into the urban wilds to teach them about what to pick and why. Also, next May, another foraging class at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, but this time with foraging walk thrown in. May is excellent for green foraging. Hoping for lots of burdock.

I'll post that date when I have it.


  1. You hit both yummy and Christmasy out of the park with that photo! Wish i had one this evening so i could curl up in front of the fireplace. will have to use a bit of white wine instead, but it will not be as good!

    1. One word: Cassis. Three words. Creme de Cassis. Buy. Be happy. :-)

  2. And don't forget the bokeh, lots and lots of bokeh. :-)

    1. Eh. Truth is, it could be a lot sharper :/ But that's the 50mm for you.

  3. Marie,
    How fabulous! Didn't you know about it?
    I knew it looked familiar! Congrats!

    1. Nope, no clue. I do sometimes submit vertical images with my stories in the hopes that one might be suitable for a cover, but I didn't know this had been chosen.

  4. Congratulations Marie. Terrific photo, what a nice surprise.

  5. What a super home-coming ! Great picture

  6. ahh, congrats. I love the picture. I have made Sloe Gin for the first time this year, it is only meant to be opened on December 25th, but a few sneak tipple glasses have been tried - very, very yummy.

    Lisa, London

  7. my brooklyn buddy is going to snag a copy for me. i can pass it on to anyone near arlington, MA, after i read it. good work, marie!

  8. Pitch the bartender story to New York mag or one of those. It would be a great shoot, and everyone would know those guys! On the other hand, I guess it might draw the 'attention' of the anti-foragers.... but, by then it would be all over!


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