Monday, September 23, 2013

The fall season - things are afoot

The haul, yesterday evening. Plus martini with pickled field garlic, from springtime in Inwood. It was chilly on the roof, in a strong breeze off the water, but two sets of neighbors appeared on their own roofs while I worked, scrambling around and up from their small terraces. The silvertop farthest from us supported a circle of friends drinking sundowners, and next door Danielle and her boyfriend drank wine while he played the guitar. I cut back tomato plants, shrieking only once when I touched a hornworm caterpillar covered in wasp larvae: the uber-horror. (The cat refers to them as zombies).

Brooklyn evening.

I am beginning to dismantle the farm, piece by piece.

For a supper side dish, we ate fried green tomatoes.

And in a seasonal round-up of stuff:

September 28th: I'll be at Powerhouse in the South Slope to sign books. Melissa Vaughan will be testing and serving a couple of recipes from 66 Square Feet - A Delicious Life, and signing copies of her book, too.
October 13th: my Wild Edibles Walk in Prospect Park. Tickets are $30.
October 17th: the Abrams Brooklyn Bash at the Wythe Hotel in Williamsburg: Ginger ale pig, Brooklyn-brewed hooch and more.

I still have a few free spots to assign for this invitation-only event. If you'd like to be on the guest list please email me (click on my profile photo in the blog's sidebar) or leave a trail of crumbs in the comments..

And November 28th: that will be a Cape Town book party. Save the date. Book your passage. (And also get in touch if you'd like to be included on that mailing list!)


  1. Cape Town in November? This Jo'burger will be working in the fairest Cape around that time!

  2. Hi Korien - send me your email if you'd like to be on a mailing list for this one :-)

  3. Marie, please add me to the email list for the Cape Town event. It's koriensander AT Looking forward to it!


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