Sunday, September 1, 2013

Green tomatoes and no ham

We are in the thick of it. Tomato sandwich season.

Actually, I overdosed: a couple of weeks ago I had such a good tomato sandwich, made with toasted bread, that I made another, at once. It had been almost a year since the last one.

It was a sandwich too far. (Kind of like that night at the Mexican restaurant and the shots of tequila, a hundred years ago.)

So I took a break.

But I was ready again.

The blogger-across-the-river and I share a love of Hellman's. I don't think too deeply about Hellmans. Some things must be taken at face value. I just eat it. Almost everything I eat is made-from-scratch-locally-sourced-humanely-raised-or-organic.

'Sept the Hellmans.

The bread for this superb sandwich came from BK17, Sarah Owen's community supported baking enterprise*. It is sourdough, and this particular loaf was almost blue with buckwheat. It keeps very well, too. (In the fall edition of Edible Brooklyn, out in September, look for the story I wrote about Sarah and her bread.)

The tomatoes? Green Cherokee, perfectly ripe, grown by Wilklow Orchards, and sold at the Borough Hall Farmers Market.

* Sarah will be bringing her bread to the book party on Saturday...I am very happy about that.


  1. We are so rooted in old southern eating traditions, that it is Wonder Bread and red toms for Mitchell - no exceptions - but he does love Hellmans. I am embarrassed to say that I buy one loaf of Wonder per summer, just so he can pig out on tomato sandwiches. Yours looks so much better.

    We can't seem to get our tomatoes to ripen this year, so I am thinking Fried Green Tomatoes for dinner tonight - the green red ones!

    Hope your weekend is as gorgeous as ours and then comes Tuesday!!

    1. I bought wonderbread a few weeks ago. I'm trying to remember why. Oh! To wrap white asparagus in. Another weakness.

      I think Pigging Out is what one must do, when it comes to tomato sandwiches.

    2. White Wonderbread an absolute necessity for asparagus sandwiches. I hadn't thought of white asparagus. And Hellmans.... That's a l-o-t of w-h-i-t-e. Mmmm

    3. Yes, white. Very bad. Yum. Bad.


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