Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cutting loose

I have been dismantling the roof farm. Many plastic pots will stay behind, to be adopted from the sidewalk.

I collected pear tomatoes, from the last, blighted bush. The black raspberry will move to Harlem with us.

The rosemary will come, too. 

And we will not forget the cat.

But we will have to leave her behind.


  1. I've often heard that statues are difficult to pack!

  2. Good luck with the move, and enjoy Harlem. Central Park is particularly beautiful up there. Very wild and wonderful on the West Side, and the Rose Garden on the East. Enjoy it!

  3. It must be a bit sad to leave the place but what a wonderful new home you have waiting to get to! Storby will love surveying his new kingdom.

  4. New Beginnings are awesome...what better way to get a fresh start? You will love it, I'm certain.

  5. Okay, not to keep asking about plants, but what IS that Dr. Seuss-ish purply branching perennial in the top photo? I've seen it in other images, not just at your site, but never in a context where I could identify it. Charming! Karen F.

  6. Verbena bonariensis. Quite a pernicious invasive weed, but long lasting. I chop off the flowers before they set seed.

  7. This seems, to me, the perfect season to be cutting loose... :-)

  8. Last time we moved, the boxes and furniture were easy, but the plants took lots of planning. we even fostered a whole season's worth in a friend's back yard. But it was worth the effort.

    It will be fun to see what you move, and how you proceed from there. Do you have a moving date yet?

  9. I hope the roses and lilies are moving as well? The new place sounds amazing!


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